God Is So Good! The Story Of A Living Cancer Survivor

When one hears the word "cancer", one's heart will be automatically be saddened because people thinks that no one ever survives from this disease. It is known to be deadly. The abnormal growth of a cell or cells in the body that is invading or spreading throughout the body is called cancer. Tumors, on the other hand, is connected to cancer but not all tumors are cancerous. Some tumors especially those benign do not spread to other parts of the body.

The story of this girl named Christine Ching is a living proof that despite the hardships, sufferings, and difficulties, you can beat cancer. At the age of 22, she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

On May 19th, two years ago she had an operation where they removed her left ovary, fallopian tube and a tumor measuring about 20.9cm inside her stomach. She was in the operating room for 4 hours.

According to her she started experiencing constipation, pain in her tummy and lower back pain 1st week of April the same year she had her operation. At first, she was afraid of the result that's the reason why she did not dare to go to the hospital. Even though her tummy is quite becoming bigger but still she did not go for any check up. She just concluded that it was because she was unable to excrete feces naturally.

She was convinced by someone, in April 25th of the same year she went for a check-up. She seeks the help of an Internal Medicine Doctor and complained her constipation. The attending doctor immediately noticed the abnormal growth of her tummy and even touched a lump. The doctor immediately referred her to an Obstetrician-Gynecologist.

The OB-Gyne ordered some tests on her to see what was all those about. She had CT Scan, ultrasound, series of blood tests and many more tests. She couldn't believe it when the doctor said she needed to be operated as soon as possible and that there was a 50 percent chance that the lump was already malignant. She was staring off into a blank space when she heard those results from the doctor. During that time she did not want to believe she had cancer.

After that day, Ms. Christine resigned from her job and focused more on her health. They did go to different hospitals seeking for the second opinion but then all the results were the same. The advice to her was to remove the lump immediately so they can do a biopsy on it to tell whether it's benign or malignant.

So she underwent an operation and had removed the affected parts. She cried tremendously when the doctor said she needed a chemotherapy. The chemo lasted for 4 cycles starting July up to November of the same year. One cycle is equivalent to 13 chemo medications.

At present, Christine Ching is very happy because despite all the sufferings and trials that she went through she's finally well. She wanted all the girls out there and even the boys as well to be aware of Ovarian Cancer. She is advising us all to have a general check-up at least every 6 months.

If you feel inspired by her story, kindly LIKE and SHARE this article so that everyone will read this amazing proof that GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!

Miss Christine Ching Facebook Posts on May 19 2017;


Spread the love and miracle.. 

The 39-Year Old New President Of France Is Married to A 64-Year Old Woman

True Love is a magical thing. It does not see the age nor the physical appearance of a person. I was really amazed when I recently found out the news about this lovely couple. Who would think that true love still exists?

Their love story started during high school. It seems like it was 'love at first sight'. The 64-year old, Brigitte Trogneux, first met the now new president of France, Emmanuel Macron, 39 years old, when he was just 15 years old. Back then, Brigitte was teaching an after-school drama program at his high school in the small town of Amiens. Yes, she was a married school teacher and had three kids, one of whom was a classmate of Emmanuel.

He quickly fell for her while Brigitte, on the other hand, said she was initially blown away by the intelligence of the boy. She told Paris Match Magazine that at the age of 17, Emmanuel said to her, "Whatever you do, I will marry you"

Against all odds because of their age gap. Even the parents of Emmanuel was not happy about it. They asked Brigitte who was 40 years old that time to stay away from their 16-year old son, at least until he turned 18.

Most stories of love would have ended there but not their story, Emmanuel kept his promise. In 2007, when he was 29 and Brigitte was divorced, Emmanuel asked Brigitte's children for her hand in marriage and they all gave their blessings. 

The two have been inseparable ever since. Even their families all seem to get along very well. In general though, during interviews, they're quite private and do not reveal too much about their private lives.

The couple owns a place in Touquet in Northern France where they got married in 2007. French Media reports that Emmanuel and Brigitte often escape to their hometown when not on duty in Paris.

Now that Emmanuel Macron is the new president of France, he wanted the idea of getting his wife involved. She will definitely be the first lady. Brigitte has some leadership skills and as a teacher, she obviously knows how to handle young people well. As what all expected she will be the biggest supporter of Emmanuel. After all, she has been since he was a teenager.

Their love story is quite different from others but they proved that no matter what, they will always and always love each other. There is no joke for true love and definitely no room for doubts. I salute this couple for staying together despite the criticisms, hearsays, and rumors. Their love grows beyond time and no boundaries beyond limits.

If you are reading this and you happened to be single and your age is quite out of the calendar, well don't worry maybe your prince charming has not yet born. The beautiful thing about love and destiny is somehow they are connected. You may not want it or you might not plan for it at all but it happens. 

A Top #3 Student, Raped And Killed By Her Own Father???!

A father is someone who should protect his children from any harm. It is very sad that not all fathers are the same. I could not imagine how can an innocent child be the victim of his own father. There is no valid reason for any of these. 

This is the beautiful and intelligent Glyza Margarette Rasonable Mendoza who died at a very young age in the care of her father while her mother was in Canada.

Rape is a type of crime committed by a person who sexually assaults a victim usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration. It is carried out by a person without that person's consent. It may be carried out by coercion, physical force, abuse of authority, or against a person who is incapable of giving valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, one who is incapable of giving valid consent, has an intellectual disability or is below the age of consent.

People who have been raped can often be traumatized or develop a posttraumatic stress disorder. In some cases, rape can also result in the risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

A father should be his daughter's superhero who would always be there to guide her through all the steps in growing up. Sad to say, it was not the case here. This father was the one who destroyed the future of her daughter. 

According to the Facebook Post by her Uncle Charles B. Rasonable, the sister of her mother, Bliss Rasonable, Glyza even talked to her mother thru phone call before she passed away. Saying and asking her mother to be with her as soon as possible. Although her mother had no idea at all about what was really going on to her daughter. Poor Glyza could not exactly tell her mother about the abuse of her father to her because, during every phone call, her father was always there beside her or from a distance which also can listen to the conversation.

They already filed a case against her father, Gerardo "Jerry" Mendoza. It is a strong and valid case because it was supported by the testimonies of Glyza's friends, classmates and teachers whom she confided about the abuse before she died.

The facebook post of her uncle went viral, pleading for help that her niece shall get the justice that is due.

Mr. Charles Rasonable's Facebook Post

We pray for the soul of Glyza and we pray that justice shall prevail.

For those mothers out there, take good care of your daughters. Spread and share this article to warn others so that they will be aware that not all fathers are as good as what they think so that they will give extra care to their daughters. 

However, bear in mind that majority of fathers are good and they really love and protect their daughters and treat them like a princess.
Daughters are all special, they need love, care and most especially respect from the people around them and most of all to their own parents.

The Secret Of Having A Flatter Stomach.. Find Out Here..

A lot of people lost their confidence because they consider themselves “Fat” because of their big tummies, but the thing that they don’t know is the fact that their stomach is just inflated, a common problem that occurs after a massive consumption of a meal. The main case here is there are certain people who feel bloated every time. 

Some are confused because even in spite of their slim and sexy body, they still have their stomach that is always bloated. There are many reasons why many people are suffering because of a bloated stomach and in this article, you will know some of the main reasons why? And how to get rid and prevent bloated stomach.

1. Not enough consumption of water every day

Everybody knows that water is a remedy for many kinds of diseases, and it is mandatory for our body to drink the accurate volume of water every day in order to support our body needs. When a person doesn’t consume the accurate volume of water, their body organs will utilize the excess liquid inside the human body that can lead to abnormal retention or loss of fluid in a body cavity and can be the primary reason of bloated stomach. 
Always bear in mind that after drinking coffee or alcohol, make sure that you drink 6-8 glasses of water to flush all the necessary compound caused by the common causes of abnormal fluid retention in a body cavity. 

2. Constipation

If you are experiencing constipation or an abnormally delayed or infrequent passage of dry hardened feces, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet because consuming food that is rich in fiber will lead to faster digestion and to get rid of immediate bloating of the stomach. 
But remember that eating too much food that is rich in fiber can make the situation worse, just eat enough food that is rich in fiber. Adding whole grain in your diet is better than white grain, eat plenty of berries and smoothies. 

3. Stress

One factor that can cause bloated stomach is too much stress. Since our brain is the site of the human mind, it is where we imagine, think, and receive information from our senses, when we experience different emotions, if we are stress brain also starts responding, and it can lead to malfunctioning of the digestive system, stomach ache, and constipation.
Stress management like engaging in physical activities will help you to relieve stress and can reduce bloated stomach. 

4. Fast Consumption of Food

Fast consumption without chewing the food correctly can affect the digestion process. The food that is not properly broken into small pieces during chewing process will hard to digest that can lead to a bloated stomach. 

5. Carbs

Studies show and provide that a large consumption of carbs can also bloat your stomach, so starts making your proper diet eat proper kinds of food in order to prevent bloated stomach. 
Eating a well-balanced diet, proper exercises, engaging in physical activities will definitely help you to avoid bloated stomach. As you read this article, start making your day right by sharing it with your friends so that they can also prevent bloated stomach problems.

The Miracle Fruit.. The Healthiest Fruit On Earth

Date Palms are commonly found in the Middle East. It is known to be very nutritional and have a very good health value. For some people who know about this, they called it the healthiest fruit on earth because of its high amounts of health benefits for our body.


Date palms contain potassium which is very essential in treating diarrhea. It helps the gut flora to be renewed quickly. Gut flora is the complex community of microorganisms that live in the digestive tracts of humans and other animals, including insects. Consumption of dates daily makes it easier to develop a gut flora.

It is known that date palms are really good for digestive system. By drinking a ready-made juice from an overnight soaked in water date palms it will act as a magnificent laxative to ensure the hardened vowel to come out easily. 

It is said that date palms has the best source of iron which is needed extremely by patients suffering from anemia.  For every 100 grams of dates, contain 0.90mg of iron, which is 11% of the suggested daily consumption. Iron helps in regulating the oxygen and transferring the capacity of blood because it is the component of the hemoglobin in the red blood cells in our body.

Dates have high nutrient contents causing man to feel full and help with weight loss. It is known that this is very effective to eat especially during fasting period among Muslim friends. During fasting most people eat dates to regulate the movement and body to have enough sugar. Even though date palms have high sugar content, they don't contain cholesterol but excessive intake of dates could gain weight. One kilogram of date palms is equivalent to 3,000 calories which is needed by a man who works all day. 

Dates help the body to maintain lower cholesterol and reduce the levels of LDL or bad cholesterol in the body. Regular consumption of dates will control cholesterol especially those with high levels, which normally causes fatty deposits in the arteries. This often leads to blood clots and other heart diseases.

Those people with weak heart are advised to eat dates to help them strengthen their hearts with just simply consuming it daily.
To prepare this readymade drink that is all natural you need to soak dates with seeds in water overnight. In the morning, remove all the seeds of the dates. Blend the seedless dates with water to make a mixture. Then drink it at least once daily.

Dates contain a very small amount of sodium and rich in potassium that's why it helps in lowering high blood pressure. About five (5) or six (6) portions of date palms give almost 80mg of magnesium, an inherent mineral that contributes to the extent of blood vessels.

Since dates are known to have high contents of potassium it regulates the nervous system. Researchers established and stated that a higher consumption of potassium (400mg) can lower the risk of stroke by almost 40%. It is really great news to hear.


Dates are good energy boosters because it contains natural sugar including glucose, sucrose and fructose. All you need to do is combine milk and dates and consume it regularly to boost your energy.

You will learn a lot more. Enjoy reading and learning from other articles available here.

Simple And Easy! Make Your WiFi Speed Faster By 3 Times

Now-a-days almost all people rely on the internet. Almost all houses, offices and companies are wide range dependent to internet connection. Sometimes the WiFi connection is not that fast making some net users to be grumpy and irritating. With the multiple poor loading times, on and off connections and other disturbing distractions are some reasons that add to the strain on your time browsing in the internet. These problems cause to waste more time, energy and money. No one likes a very poor connection when it comes to browsing.
All you need to prepare are empty soda or beer cans but make sure it is aluminum, scissors, knife and removable adhesive tapes or putty. These important materials should always be available near you so that you can fix the connection anytime you feel that the connection is slowing down.

The simple and easy steps will help you to improve your connection. You need to wash or clean the empty cans. Make it dry thoroughly. Make sure that the cans are properly washed and cleaned to avoid sticky residue that may soon attract bugs, ants or insects of your improvised device.

Pull off the tab. Remove the tab because you will not use it. Try to bend it back and forth until it snaps from the can. Cut off the bottom of the can by simply cutting a straight horizontal line around the bottom of the can at the point where the sides of the can start slopping to create the bottom.
Create the base. To create the base turn the can upside down and use your utility knife to make a horizontal cut that is similar to the one that you made just now at the bottom of the can.  Make sure to leave at least one inch of metal keeping it in one piece. You need to take note that the base of the WiFi extender will be the top of the can.

Cut the side of the can. You need to position the can in a way that the leftover piece of the metal used (keeping the based attached) is opposite the location intended to make a vertical incision in the can. The outcome should be like a satellite dish once the can is opened. (Refer to the drawing above.)

In attaching the can to the router through a hole in the base, place the can over the antenna for WiFi connection. Secure the can to the router by using a tape or any removable adhesive or putty. Adjust the can to maximize the signal of the WiFi connection.

You can now enjoy an internet connection faster than ever. Do not forget to share to your friends and family for a more fun and exciting browsing. They might be amazed how you can help them. After all everyone loves browsing until it becomes a necessity not only at home but in schools and other establishments.
For sure you will enjoy surfing the internet now that you've learnt how to make it work faster.

New Discovery... Beware! Disease Transmitted From Dogs Are Deadly

Dog is considered a man's best friend. It is undeniable that most families all over the world love to pet dogs. However, there is this deadly disease called, Leishmaniasis, also sometimes known as Leismaniosis and sad to say, found out that the main carriers are dogs. People are advised to be cautious about this very serious matter. 


This disease is common in Syria and The Middle East where lots of victims were already suffered from this disease. Although your country that you are in now is not mentioned in the listed affected areas you must always be aware to prevent this thing to happen to you or to the other members of the family.

Actually this disease can also be transmitted not only from dogs but also from flies and ticks. The one infected can cause open wounds, bleeding from the nose, difficulty in breathing and swallowing. This kind of disease is really alarming. That's why we wanted to share this article for you to be aware about this dangerous disease. Especially among children who could not resist the charm of even stray dogs that they see in the streets.


The three types of Leishmaniasis are Cutaneous, Mucosal and Visceral which is known to be the most difficult one when encountered. The area affected by this disease were already contained and isolated as so to not spread the disease.
The second type is Mucosal. This hits primarily the nose and mouth causes both skin and mucosal ulcers. Sometimes this type is also very hard to recover.
The third type is Visceral. This type is the most dangerous and serious because this might cause death to the victim if not treated immediately. In some cases, fever, damage to the spleen and liver as well as anemia can occur few months or years after the infection. 

Help your loved ones by spreading this news especially for those who have relatives or friends that are currently visiting or working in The Middle East or Syria. 
The first type is Cutaneous. It causes an open sore at the bite sites and which will probably heal in a few months to a year and half. It usually leaves a very obvious scar. Of course, who would want a souvenir from the disease that is why we are advising everyone to be very observant not only at home but also outside.

Leishmaniasis can only happen theoretically through blood transfusion and not transmitted from human to human interaction. Though this disease can be treated it will take long and difficult time that is way precaution is always needed to anticipate this kind of problem.

To prevent Leishmaniasis you need to use nets treated with insecticide while sleeping, one can avoid this disease because flies or ticks cannot go inside the secured area. Make sure that the surrounding areas are always clean.

Of course you may be a kindhearted human but to avoid this deadly disease do not entertain stray dogs. Never adopt a dog without proper screening and must know the whereabouts of the dog. It is said that prevention is always better than cure. 

How To Eliminate Abdominal Fats With Just 2 Ingredients

You are beautiful with the perfect shape of body but as one grows older, stubborn belly fats start to appear giving you an ugly look but it is also can be harmful to your health. In recent studies women after they give birth have difficulties in bringing back their previous shape of their body. Most of the time they become fatter especially in the belly area when they reach a certain age or when one is already matured. The fat around your abdomen which they called Visceral fat can lead to complications like diabetes, heart diseases, stroke as well as dementia. Proper foods should be eaten regularly to prevent loose abdominal fat. It helps detox liver and boost metabolism so that the body can target belly fat.

 It is a very common problem especially to women, to have the accumulation of abdominal fat. Lots of commercial products are available but are not so effective. Now, worry no more, there is this natural homemade cream that will help you get rid of those stubborn belly fats. You do not have to spend thousands of your money in order to attain a healthy body. This simple homemade remedy will teach you how to save money, time and effort and at the same time achieve a slimmer and healthier body.

After several weeks of using, and of course patience in applying the cream regularly you will see visible results. You may ask your friends or relatives to visit you at home and share to them this simple homemade remedy. Most importantly, there is no need for you to take any chemicals or other expensive medicines in order to reach your goal or you do not have to fly to other country in order to do cosmetic surgery. This method is very safe because it all comes in natural ingredients combined.

There is nothing to worry about overspending as well because the price of the materials or ingredients needed here are low. You might be surprise you will still have extra budget for you to buy your favorite swimwear to use in summer to show-off your slimmer figure. You will gain confidence if you eliminate that belly fats before going to any beaches or picnics or maybe even just by simply going to the market because you can wear any comfortable outfits without overthinking or over reacting about what other people will say.

You will only need medium-sized baby oil and one and a half tablet of camphor and you are ready to achieve the greatest goal you dream for your body

First you need to mix the camphor into the baby oil until you get a homogeneous mixture. Leave the mixture for at least two days. Every night before going to sleep, stir the mixture and apply it on the abdominal area where the visible belly fats are seen. Massage well with soft and circular motions for few minutes.

As simple as that you may now achieve a very beautiful body with a lesser effort and affordable amount of money. So what are you waiting for? Start now and see the surprise it gives you!

Problems With Migraine? Stop It With Salt. Read Here

The most difficult time is the pain lasts for hours, up to four to seventy two hours. You will experience intensely pain, normally to one side of the head which tends to get even worse with movement. That is why a person suffering from migraine needs to stay in one place for the meantime and not advised to move frequently. 

But not all people who suffer migraine are similar the symptoms usually vary from one person to another. People who experience blind spots, flashes of light, increase sensitivity to light and sound tingling in the arms and legs nausea and vomiting are some of the early signs. So beware of the early signs because you may already experience it without knowing. At the moment there is no known cure for migraines but you can try some homemade remedies to get relief from migraine headaches or reduce their frequency. 
There is no need to buy expensive medicines to alleviate the pain. All you have to do is to prepare the homemade remedy. You will need two tablespoons of Himalayan Salt, one of cup water and a half-sized lemon. Choose the lemon which is somehow fresh and not dried or nearly rotten, wash the lemon and cut it crosswise. Put the lemon and salt in a cup. Heat water and pour the heated water into the cup.

Enjoy drinking while it is warm. It is really very effective to get rid of migraines in just ten minutes. Even ancient folks way back centuries also tried this effective drink. It also gives a lot of health benefits that will help you to maintain a strong and healthy body. You can make more and share it with your family members or friends. Always keep lemons available in your refrigerator so that in case of emergency you will have something to use. Aside from the things which are already mentioned lemons are really good for the body especially to the skin. It is anti-oxidant and full of vitamins and minerals. Of course do not forget the Himalayan Salt as well.

It is very significant to take care of your body. When it comes to health problems or concerns you must always try to find a natural remedy that is very effective like the one mentioned above rather than wasting money on expensive medicines that won't give much cure as well. Health is wealth. When a person is healthy, he is more than wealthy.