New Discovery... Beware! Disease Transmitted From Dogs Are Deadly

Dog is considered a man's best friend. It is undeniable that most families all over the world love to pet dogs. However, there is this deadly disease called, Leishmaniasis, also sometimes known as Leismaniosis and sad to say, found out that the main carriers are dogs. People are advised to be cautious about this very serious matter. 


This disease is common in Syria and The Middle East where lots of victims were already suffered from this disease. Although your country that you are in now is not mentioned in the listed affected areas you must always be aware to prevent this thing to happen to you or to the other members of the family.

Actually this disease can also be transmitted not only from dogs but also from flies and ticks. The one infected can cause open wounds, bleeding from the nose, difficulty in breathing and swallowing. This kind of disease is really alarming. That's why we wanted to share this article for you to be aware about this dangerous disease. Especially among children who could not resist the charm of even stray dogs that they see in the streets.


The three types of Leishmaniasis are Cutaneous, Mucosal and Visceral which is known to be the most difficult one when encountered. The area affected by this disease were already contained and isolated as so to not spread the disease.
The second type is Mucosal. This hits primarily the nose and mouth causes both skin and mucosal ulcers. Sometimes this type is also very hard to recover.
The third type is Visceral. This type is the most dangerous and serious because this might cause death to the victim if not treated immediately. In some cases, fever, damage to the spleen and liver as well as anemia can occur few months or years after the infection. 

Help your loved ones by spreading this news especially for those who have relatives or friends that are currently visiting or working in The Middle East or Syria. 
The first type is Cutaneous. It causes an open sore at the bite sites and which will probably heal in a few months to a year and half. It usually leaves a very obvious scar. Of course, who would want a souvenir from the disease that is why we are advising everyone to be very observant not only at home but also outside.

Leishmaniasis can only happen theoretically through blood transfusion and not transmitted from human to human interaction. Though this disease can be treated it will take long and difficult time that is way precaution is always needed to anticipate this kind of problem.

To prevent Leishmaniasis you need to use nets treated with insecticide while sleeping, one can avoid this disease because flies or ticks cannot go inside the secured area. Make sure that the surrounding areas are always clean.

Of course you may be a kindhearted human but to avoid this deadly disease do not entertain stray dogs. Never adopt a dog without proper screening and must know the whereabouts of the dog. It is said that prevention is always better than cure.