A Top #3 Student, Raped And Killed By Her Own Father???!

A father is someone who should protect his children from any harm. It is very sad that not all fathers are the same. I could not imagine how can an innocent child be the victim of his own father. There is no valid reason for any of these. 

This is the beautiful and intelligent Glyza Margarette Rasonable Mendoza who died at a very young age in the care of her father while her mother was in Canada.

Rape is a type of crime committed by a person who sexually assaults a victim usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration. It is carried out by a person without that person's consent. It may be carried out by coercion, physical force, abuse of authority, or against a person who is incapable of giving valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, one who is incapable of giving valid consent, has an intellectual disability or is below the age of consent.

People who have been raped can often be traumatized or develop a posttraumatic stress disorder. In some cases, rape can also result in the risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

A father should be his daughter's superhero who would always be there to guide her through all the steps in growing up. Sad to say, it was not the case here. This father was the one who destroyed the future of her daughter. 

According to the Facebook Post by her Uncle Charles B. Rasonable, the sister of her mother, Bliss Rasonable, Glyza even talked to her mother thru phone call before she passed away. Saying and asking her mother to be with her as soon as possible. Although her mother had no idea at all about what was really going on to her daughter. Poor Glyza could not exactly tell her mother about the abuse of her father to her because, during every phone call, her father was always there beside her or from a distance which also can listen to the conversation.

They already filed a case against her father, Gerardo "Jerry" Mendoza. It is a strong and valid case because it was supported by the testimonies of Glyza's friends, classmates and teachers whom she confided about the abuse before she died.

The facebook post of her uncle went viral, pleading for help that her niece shall get the justice that is due.

Mr. Charles Rasonable's Facebook Post

We pray for the soul of Glyza and we pray that justice shall prevail.

For those mothers out there, take good care of your daughters. Spread and share this article to warn others so that they will be aware that not all fathers are as good as what they think so that they will give extra care to their daughters. 

However, bear in mind that majority of fathers are good and they really love and protect their daughters and treat them like a princess.
Daughters are all special, they need love, care and most especially respect from the people around them and most of all to their own parents.