Problems With Migraine? Stop It With Salt. Read Here

The most difficult time is the pain lasts for hours, up to four to seventy two hours. You will experience intensely pain, normally to one side of the head which tends to get even worse with movement. That is why a person suffering from migraine needs to stay in one place for the meantime and not advised to move frequently. 

But not all people who suffer migraine are similar the symptoms usually vary from one person to another. People who experience blind spots, flashes of light, increase sensitivity to light and sound tingling in the arms and legs nausea and vomiting are some of the early signs. So beware of the early signs because you may already experience it without knowing. At the moment there is no known cure for migraines but you can try some homemade remedies to get relief from migraine headaches or reduce their frequency. 
There is no need to buy expensive medicines to alleviate the pain. All you have to do is to prepare the homemade remedy. You will need two tablespoons of Himalayan Salt, one of cup water and a half-sized lemon. Choose the lemon which is somehow fresh and not dried or nearly rotten, wash the lemon and cut it crosswise. Put the lemon and salt in a cup. Heat water and pour the heated water into the cup.

Enjoy drinking while it is warm. It is really very effective to get rid of migraines in just ten minutes. Even ancient folks way back centuries also tried this effective drink. It also gives a lot of health benefits that will help you to maintain a strong and healthy body. You can make more and share it with your family members or friends. Always keep lemons available in your refrigerator so that in case of emergency you will have something to use. Aside from the things which are already mentioned lemons are really good for the body especially to the skin. It is anti-oxidant and full of vitamins and minerals. Of course do not forget the Himalayan Salt as well.

It is very significant to take care of your body. When it comes to health problems or concerns you must always try to find a natural remedy that is very effective like the one mentioned above rather than wasting money on expensive medicines that won't give much cure as well. Health is wealth. When a person is healthy, he is more than wealthy.