Watermelon is a very popular fruit especially during summer because it is known to hydrate our body from the hot weather and it really helps to quench thirst. Most of the scenario, we enjoy eating the delicious and red pulp of the fruit. We tend to ignore the seeds and just throw it. Most of us do not know that seeds are actually the most nutritious part of watermelons. The good news about this is watermelons are sold in a more affordable price compare to any other fruit in the market.
Prepare about twenty to thirty watermelon seeds and two liters of water. You need to wash the seeds thoroughly. Grind the seeds until it becomes very fine. Bring two liters of water to boil. Use a nut milk bag or a tea ball to steep the ground seeds into the hot water. Drink the watermelon seeds tea either warm or cold. You may add milk or raw honey into it.
This recipe is so natural therefore it is very safe to drink it on a regular basis depending on how critical the disease. If you practice this more often the disease will be cured in no time. You may even asks kids to drink this healthy watermelon seeds tea provided that they do not suffer from any allergies in eating watermelons.
So every time you are in a holiday trip or at home, do not forget to set aside the seeds if you eat watermelon because you can use it to prepare your tea later to helps your kidneys stay clean and healthy. Always help others by sharing this knowledge to them or you may prepare the recipe and give it to them as well. You will be helping them and they will surely be happy.