Wow! Amazing Chili! Must-Read, A Lot Of Benefits To Be Learnt

Chili is very popular in any part of the world. It varies in different colors but the most common is red or green. It adds spices in our everyday dishes. In some parts of the countries they are making chilies as their main dish especially those in the rural cities or provinces which are not yet modernized.

Don't you know that almost all parts of the chili plant can be used as natural medicine?
You can use the leaves of chili to apply on the area of the skin that is affected by skin disease. All you have to do is to cut the leaves into small pieces and grind it first before applying. Some people mixed it into water and use it as a healthy drink.

The chili itself can be eaten directly or you can use it as a gargle. Wash few pieces of chili and mix water on it. Let it stay for few hours. You may also grind chili, add some oil then directly apply the mixture on the affected skin.


To cure sore throat, all you have to do is to grind chilies, add water and use it as a gargle. Do this as needed for few days or until your sore throat is healed.

Rheumatism or Arthritis is common to people who are already aging. In order to cure such disease you need to follow the simple steps. You need to wash chilies, grind and add oil then apply gently to all affected areas such as feet legs or hands. It is said that it will be more effective if you add some chili leaves on the mixture. This type of mixture is really effective especially for people of old age.

Gastritis is a sickness due to the irritation or erosion of the lining of the stomach. It can be cured by simply drinking water which was used to soak chili slices. You can also eat chilies directly with your food to make you feel better. For some people who are really fond of eating chilies you will notice that seldom of them suffer such disease. Of course it is because of the regular intake of chilies.

This scenario was proved to be very effective because my grandmother used to do this to us. In cases of toothaches, chilies also can help you alleviate the pain. You need to wash the chilies, wring and take the liquid out of it then put directly into the affected tooth. It will surely stop the annoying ache in no time.

Remember to plant chilies in small pots because it is very useful both medicinal or during cooking or preparing your favorite dish.

If you have cuts, it will be healed fast and in a natural way by simply grinding chili leaves and apply it directly on the affected area.

Ringworm or skin disease which is caused by fungal infection can be cured by soaking chilies in a water overnight and use it to wash the affected areas of the skin.