Amazing!!! Banana Peels Can Help You To Lose Weight

Most of us only eat the flesh of the banana fruit and throw away the peel. After reading this article you might think twice before throwing banana peels. You are for sure not aware that most of the vitamins and nutrients of a banana can be found on its peel itself.

In the majority of the population bananas are commonly served as desserts. It is always available in the menu of the day for every household. Bananas might even win an award if they will conduct a survey of which fruit is commonly or mostly served.

The common problem among women which bothers them a lot is gaining so much weight. The good news about this, banana peels can help you to lose weight. Well worry no more because we will tell you the most effective way to lose weight without going to intensive and expensive cosmetic surgery.

You might be wondering, how can banana peels help you to lose weight? According to Miss Laura Flores, a nutritionist who is based in San Diego, the skin or peel of banana has higher contents of vitamins B6 and B12, added to that are magnesium and potassium. Moreover a good source of fiber and protein as well.

The regular consumption of banana can help you to achieve the following:
*Proper digestion which may lower your risk in suffering from diabetes. It is said to fulfill 12% of the daily fiber needed by the body.
*Vitamin C plays a vital role in our immune system and banana contains at least 17%.
*In order to convert food into energy, you need Vitamin B6 and banana can provide you about 20%
*Potassium helps in the development of cells, tissues and organs throughout the body and banana provides 2 %.
*8% of magnesium which is needed by our body to produce and regulate glucose and blood pressure level.

If you really want to lose weight, you need to choose bananas which are green in color. May it be ripe or unripe bananas can still give you one of the best nutrients that our body needs. Green bananas contain more probiotics which aid in maintaining a healthy stomach and good digestion. The peels of green bananas help to increase the levels of serotonin and dopamine of the body which gives your body to feel good. You will manage emotional eating.

If you still prefer yellow bananas because it taste sweeter than the green ones you still can do so. It is safe to eat the peel of banana because it has a higher concentration of phytonutrients. Though it may tastes bitter it is definitely good for the body.

Some suggestions that might help you on how to consume bananas in a non-boring way:

You can use bananas in your homemade smoothies. Wash thoroughly then cut both ends before combining the washed bananas with other fruits.

Make banana tea by washing the banana peels and bring to boil. Add a bit honey if you do not like the taste.

Use as a substitute of potatoes in curry. Yes you may use banana peels instead of potatoes in cooking curry recipe.

The most significant thing to remember is to wash properly the peel of bananas before using it as homemade recipes. You can use apple cider to thoroughly wash the peel.

By constantly eating bananas, fruit and peel, you will achieve the weight that you ever wanted!

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